As a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization, the Recycling Education and Research Foundation relies on donations from individuals and corporate organizations. Donations and contributions may be deductible as charitable contributions for U.S. federal income tax purposes. We hope you will consider supporting the Recycling Education and Research Foundation with your tax-deductible donations.
Creating Your Own Fund
Recycling Education and Research Foundation can offer a variety of funding opportunities established accordingly by the donor’s intent, including honorariums, memorials, scholarships, and endowments. Funding can come in all different shapes and sizes, providing donors an opportunity to make the greatest impact on the recycling industry.
To learn more about donating to the Recycling Education and Research Foundation, email RERF staff.
In-Kind Gift Options
Donate items (scrap metal artwork, hotel/vacation packages, recycling industry equipment/services, etc.) or participate in the Annual RERF Silent Auction.
By receiving contributions and donations from people within and outside of the industry, Recycling Education and Research Foundation can continue advancing the industry through research and sponsor programs that support the mission of the foundation.